The Greenfield Family Website
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Home Page

Hello. This is the official Greenfield Family website.  We created this special place on the Web to share our lives with you. We hope this site will enable family and friends, near and far, to stay connected. We look forward to sharing our family news and precious memories with you for years to come! Feel free to use our contact page to contact us.

Thanks for visiting!

Our Story

     We met on a weekend vacation from higher education.   Through mutual friends we both arrived at a 3000 acre hunting lodge in Lake City, Florida.  Though no actual hunting occured, there was a brief chase that ended with us knowing that we were meant to be together.  It is now 8 years later and we have been married for 6 years now.  We moved to Savannah a year after our wedding and love it.  We have acculumated many great friends and neighbors and love living here. 
     We have two adorable, smart, and lovable little dogs.  Cindy Loo can almost always be found sleeping in bed or lying on the couch and Annie Marie is usually playing with her stuffed bears or chasing a tennis ball around the house. 

-David and Nicole Greenfield

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